The Halfbreeds are a superhero team that formed very recently; in 2023, in fact. Made of five half-alien girls born in the Hybrid Baby Boom who escaped the clutches of the infamous Pacific Coast Cell of the Alliance for the Protection of Human Achievement (ALPHA) and trained by the students of INSA in Gothamopolis, they have already been dubbed rising stars by Super Scoop magazine.
The members are:
Sakura "Xenox" Miyazaki, the leading, maternal, half-Japanese, half-Jhinta capable of copying others' powers
Delia "Psionica" Caulfield, the bright, sunny, half-Black, half-Varanyi with telekinesis and telepathy
Sonia "Hothead" Gutierrez, the tech-loving, laid-back, half-Cuban, half-Mandaarian capable of shooting fire
Xinlei (Cindy) "Zeppelin Girl" Wu, the serious, assertive half-Chinese, half-Kalishari capable of inflating her body like a balloon
Akshara "Rush" Gaur, the distracted, broody half-Indian, half-Harkarthian with super speed