Formed in 2013, The Federal Bureau of Superheroics is America's national superhero team. At 32 members, they're the world's largest superhero team, and the first responders should anything really bad happen to America.
The FBS was founded with 15 members: Black Hole, Burning Man, Captain Cactus, Cobalt, Crimson Cloak, Dr. Night, Eclipse, Ketuwong, Nullifier, Patriot, Queen Bee, SigmaX, Super Duper Man, T-Wreck, and Timelapse. While three of those heroes (Black Hole, Crimson Cloak, and Nullifier) are no longer with the team, they've since added 20 more heroes over the years.
Since 2018, the FBS has prided itself on being half-female. This is convenient because it means I can make two separate pages with 16 heroes each rather than cram 32 heroes onto a single page.