Alliance of Evil (K - Q)

Kamikaze (Kazuo Okubo) - An air controller with Yakuza connections

King Midas (Andrew Robinson) - An evil accountant who has gauntlets that shoot blasts to turn things to gold

Merge (Chatur Gupta) - A miscreant who loves using his ability to merge things together

Mime (unknown) - A mysterious villain who can create invisible stuff

Ms. Molten (Megan Teller) - A villain made of molten metal thanks to a KenCo accident (geez, Kenco...)

Pitch (Carson Hyde) - A street racer who was turned into tar after crashing his car full of a weird fuel

Prof. Pleistocene (Anne Martin) - A paleontologist who can turn into Pleistocene animals

Quasar Queen (Lucy Farmer) - A KenCo scientist who was actually evil and light-controlling all along
